
Legal warranty:

When you purchase a product from us, you have at all times the right on a proper functioning product, provided that the product is used in a normal matter. In the event that our product will not meet your expectations, we will obey unabridged to the warranty conditions determined in the Civil Code.

You need to inform us within a reasonable term. Herewith, a term of 30 days after the discovery of the deficiency is in any case reasonable.

After your announcement, we will investigate whether we can restore the deficiency or we could replace the product/defect components. In the event that this is not possible or not on short term, then we offer you the possibility to remit from the original agreement. We will return the complete or a part of the purchase price to you.

Additional manufacturer’s warranty:

On some of our products gives the manufacturer an additional warranty. Would you like to get more information about this warranty? Send us an e-mail and we will inform you if there is any additional warranty on your product and what this entails. This warranty does not indulge on the above described legal warranty conditions that we are obliged to fulfill to our customers. We advise you to contact us first at all times whenever a deficiency of a product occurs. On the product pages you can find possible manufacturer’s warranty.

Step-by-step plan warranty and deficiencies:

Would you like to return a product with a warranty? Then we ask you to perform the following step-by-step plan. In this way we can conclude your warranty claim as smoothly as possible.

  1. Send an e-mail to the customer service along with the invoice, order number, and the product number
  2. Briefly describe the deficiency and the reason for your claim
  3. After assessing your claim you will receive a confirmation by e-mail
  4. Thereafter, we will handle your claim